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Blog posts of '2024' 'May'

How to Design a Pet Friendly Home
How to Design a Pet Friendly Home
Creating a home that accommodates both human and pet needs is an art of balance and consideration. For many pet owners, their animals are not just pets but family members who deserve a safe, comfortable, and stimulating environment. This blog will guide you through various aspects of making your home pet-friendly, from selecting durable materials to essential pet-proofing tips and maintaining cleanliness. Whether you're a new pet owner or looking to revamp your space to better suit your furry friend, these insights will help ensure your home is both welcoming and practical for all its inhabitants.

Choosing the Right Materials


Choosing pet-friendly furniture means finding pieces that can withstand the antics of playful paws and claws while being easy to clean and maintain. Here are some ideal choices for pet owners:

  • Leather Furniture: Genuine leather is one of the top choices for pet owners due to its durability and ease of cleaning. Scratches may show but can add to the distressed look of the furniture over time. If scratches are a concern, darker leathers tend to hide marks better than lighter ones.

  • Performance Fabric: 

Another way to keep your pets off your furniture is by creating the pet's own space. Ensuring your pet has a comfortable place to rest is crucial for their well-being. Often pets who love their beds will opt for pet beds rather than your furniture. When choosing a pet bed consider ones that are: 
  • Easy to Clean: Choose beds with removable, machine-washable covers to make cleaning up after your pet a breeze.
  • Durable: Look for beds made from sturdy materials that can withstand chewing and digging.
  • Comfortable: Memory foam beds can offer excellent support for pets, especially those that are older or have joint issues.
  • Elevated Beds: These keep pets cool by allowing air to circulate underneath, which can be particularly beneficial in warm climates.

Keeping Your Home Clean with Pets

Pets bring joy and companionship, but they also bring mud, fur, and the occasional mess. Here’s how you can keep your home clean and fresh while enjoying the company of your furry friends.

Regular Cleaning Tips

  • Frequent Vacuuming: Invest in a good quality vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair. Regular vacuuming of floors, furniture, and even drapes helps control pet hair and dander.
  • Cleaning Paws: Keep a towel or a paw washer by the door to clean your pet’s paws before they enter the house, especially after being outside in mud or rain.
  • Air Purifiers: Consider using an air purifier to help reduce pet odors and allergens in the home. These devices can significantly improve the overall air quality for both you and your pets.

Stain and Odor Removal

  • Enzymatic Cleaners: For accidents on carpets and upholstery, enzymatic cleaners are effective as they break down the stain and neutralize odors. Always have a bottle on hand for quick response to accidents.
  • DIY Solutions: For light stains and odors, homemade solutions such as vinegar and baking soda can be effective. Mix a solution of water and vinegar to treat stains, and use baking soda to absorb odors overnight before vacuuming.
  • Professional Cleaning: For persistent stains or annual maintenance, consider hiring a professional cleaning service that specializes in treating homes with pets. This can help extend the life of your carpets and furniture.

Preventative Measures

  • Protective Covers: Use furniture covers or throws that are easy to remove and wash. These not only protect your furniture but also make it easier to manage shedding and potential stains.
  • Mats for Muddy Paws: Place mats both inside and outside your doors to catch any mud or dirt on paws as pets come in from outside.
  • Pet Grooming: Regular grooming of your pet can significantly reduce the amount of hair and allergens in the home. Brushing your pet daily, depending on their coat type, can also help minimize shedding.

By incorporating these cleaning practices, you can maintain a home that feels welcoming and fresh, making the space enjoyable for both you and your pets. Staying ahead of messes with proactive measures can make all the difference.

Making Your Home a Haven for You & Your Pets

Adopting these strategies to create a pet-friendly home not only enhances the quality of life for your pets but also makes your home a more harmonious, cleaner, and happier space for everyone. From choosing the right materials that stand up to the wear and tear of pets, to pet-proofing your home for their safety, maintaining cleanliness, and providing a stimulating environment, each element plays a crucial role in integrating pets into your family life. We hope these tips help you build a living space that you and your pets can enjoy together for years to come.

If you have additional tips, feel free to share them in the comments below!

For help choosing pet-friendly furniture visit Grand Home Furnishings. With 18 convenient locations in Virginia, West Virginia, and Tennessee we provide the largest selection of furniture and mattresses. You can also visit our website
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